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Cody.etal:1974 Cody, R. D.; Shanks, H. R. (1974): A Comparison of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate Grown in Clay Gels and in Sodium Silicate Gels. In: Journal of Crystal Growth, 23 (), 275-281
Cody.etal:1988 Cody, R. D.; Cody, A. M. (1988): Gypsum Nucleation and Crystal Morphology in Analog Saline Terrestrial Environments. In: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 58 (2), 247-255
Cody:1991 Cody, R. D. (1991): Organo-Crystalline Interactions in Evaporite Systems, The Effects of Crystallization Inhibition. In: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 61 (), 704-718